AeroGarden Seed Pods – Simple Hydroponics Setup

When it comes to growing plants in an apartment or urban setting, complexity is definitely not the key. With the urban lifestyle comes a lack of free time to waste on overly complicated systems. Why spend extra time and effort on something that has already been simplified and streamlined. The AeroGarden Seed Pods provide a simple hydroponics setup for growing a huge variety of flowers, herbs, vegetables, and other plants.

Simplicity at its Finest

Just because you want to begin a new gardening phase in your life might not mean that you want to get your hands dirty or learn a whole new skill set. Well with these seed pods you won’t have to. Whether you choose to use the pre-seeded Pods or opt to seed you’re own pods all you have to do to “plant” your selection is place the pod into the systems base and you are all done.

With the new setup that AeroGarden has incorporated into its hydroponics system, the hardest part will be deciding what you want to grow. Each seed pod rests in one of the seed locations in the base water container. Once loaded the seed pod is placed into the based container it is conneceted to the water delivery system. They provide a variety of options of prepackaged kits or a “Grow Anything” Setup.

The Complexity of Simplicity

The simplicity isn’t in its use. Each seed pod has been designed so all you have to do to begin growing the plant of your choosing is place it in the water reservoir. The complexity is in its design. A singular seed pod is composed of 4 purpose specific pieces.

AeroGarden Grow Basket

  1. Grow Basket – The grow basket provides the framework of the whole setup. They are made of a flexible white plastic. The lower half is made up of bars to hold the sponge in place while allowing the circulation of water to provide nutrients. The baskets upper half is cylindrical and has a lip around the top opening to lock it into the reservoir and provide a seal for the label and dome.AeroGarden Sponges
  2. Sponge – The sponge sits in the center of the seed pod and provides the medium that will support your plant. Each sponge is made from pure Canadian Sphagnum Peat. These sponges provide a soil-free, no-mess, base for your plants root system.AeroGarden Pod Labels
  3. Label – The label adheres to the top rim of the grow basket and serves four main purposes. Firstly, the label provides exactly what its name suggests, a location for identification information. Secondly, the label secures the grow sponge into the basket. Thirdly, it helps to keep moisture’s levels high within the seed pod for increased root strength. And finally, it reduces the amount of light that reaches the sponge which reduces the amount of algae growth that’s occurs.AeroGarden Grow Dome
  4. Dome – The dome locks onto the top of the grow basket over the label and sponge. The clear plastic bubble creates a miniature greenhouse for each seed pod. The domes are only used for the germination stage of your plant and even though they are only useful for a short period they are integral. The greenhouse effect that they induce provides the warmth and moisture need to germinate your seeds.

These four pieces all fit together into a neat little package about 2 inches in diameter at its widest point and about 5 invest including the dome. The only thing that varies from kit to kit or plan to plant is the seeds located within the recessed region of the sponge.

Ready Made Pod Kits

The seed pod kits come with not only the seed pods themselves they also come with a bottle of Liquid Nutrients and a Grow Guide. The nutrient rich liquid is all your plants will need to thrive throughout their life cycle and the grow guide clearly tells you how much and how often to “feed” your garden based on what you are growing.

The kits currently offered include:

More Kits are being produced as this company continues its growth and I am excited to see what they come up with. The existing pre-made kits have been beyond easy to grow, maintain, and harvest.

Grow Anything Seed Pods

One of the biggest issues I’ve found with the pre-made grow setups available on the market is the limited varieties of plant selections offered. Almost all companies offer the basic herb and tomato packages and a few others go as far as to offer specific meal suggested grow companions. No matter how creative a company gets with there plant selection. There will always be a limiting effect on the variety of plants you can grow by only offering set seed pod kits.

The AeroGarden Grow Anything Kit solves this issue by offering a blank medium for you to grow any seed of your choice. All you have to do is select the variety you wish to grow, insert the seed into the recessed seed location in the center of the sponge. Once the seed pod has been loaded its time to begin growing just as you would with the pre-made kits. Lock in the seed pod and fire up the hydroponic system, you’ve just planted your very own seed.

Get Growing

Now that we have reviewed this product and given it our stamp of approval we wish you all the luck with your gardening venture! You are now on your own on deciding “What to grow?” This might be one of the hardest and most inspiring problems an indoor gardener faces. AeroGarden has helped urban gardeners create a more innovative and successful way of gardening indoors. From their user friendly design and large variety of seed sets, to their Grow Anything Seed Pods AeroGarden has nearly thought of everything, now all that’s left is you. So get out there and find some new combinations to grow and harvest, liven up your home garden with greater variety and enjoy the mental and health benefits urban gardening provides.



Please leave me a comment below if:

  • you have any experience with any of these products
  • you agree or disagree with any of my recommendations
  • you know of any superior products that I should try out next
  • you have any extra information you would like to share with the Apartment Growers Community



Atlas Tupper


  1. What an interesting system, hydroponics may be what I need to finally start a productive herb garden. Even though I live in the country, I have problems getting my plants to grow and flourish.

    The AeroGarden Seed Pods sounds like just what I need.
    I think I would use the pre-seeded pods to ensure success.

    I thought I had a green thumb, but maybe not. The set-up sounds neat and clean.

    The AeroGarden grow anything kit mentioned in the article, goes one step farther and would allow me to grow the plants of my choice, this is a big plus.

    Now, of course, I just need to decide what I might want to grow.

    • Hey Harold,

      If your just starting out with the AeroGarden system I would suggest one of the aerogarden starter kits. These kits generally come with the gourmet seed pod kit and are an extreamly rewarding and satisfying  variety of plants to start with. I personally keep one of these herb gardens growing in my kitchen constantly for a fresh supply of herbs to spice my dinners. 

      Also if you feel like being a bit more goal driven they offer the salsa kit which has a very clear end in mind. HOMEMADE SALSA!!! 

      As for your green (or black) thumb the aerogarden system makes this a non issue. All you have to do is check the water level every once in a while and add the nutrients every two weeks. All other aspects have been automated for you. 

      Happy growing,


  2. Instead of ordering ‘blanks’ to plant my own seeds in the pods, do you think I could re use the spent pods and just fill them with sphagnum moss?

    • Hey Patrice,

      The sponges can be reused if your first plant doesn’t completely destroy it during its first use. I have only been able to save a handful of the sponges for secondary use and the process of pulling out all the tiny root fibers is really not quite worth the effort and frustration.

      I’m not sure if Sphagnum Moss will work as it seem too loose the sponges are pretty dense however the only real purpose is to provide a base for the plant stem to attach itself so if you wrapped the moss into a bundle it might work. I have had pretty good success using rockwool

      Hope this helps,

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