About The Apartment Growers

First and foremost we want to welcome you to the Apartment Growers Community. The Apartment Gardener Is your all-inclusive information and material hub for growing a variety of plants in an urban setting. We here at Apartment Gardener will strive to not only help you create your apartment/indoor garden but also to anticipate and fulfill all of your service and upkeep garden needs.


In 2012 our founder, Atlas Tupper, moved from his home on the east end of Long Island to an apartment in New York City. While this move allowed him to pursue his career in education it left a void in his home life, specifically gardening. Growing both edible and inedible horticulture had been a part of his life since his childhood where he would tend the family garden with his father and grandfather. Keeping true to his roots he began exploring the garden capabilities of his new apartment. This desire to bring the spirit of his family garden to his new home drove him on a journey of confusion, failure and ultimately success in the apartment gardening experience. It is these experiences and expertise that he hopes to bring to you. This advice will help you to avoid some more serious mistakes and steer you on a course of lush greenery.


Mr. Tupper has always had a driving urge to help those around him. It was that urge in fact that originally led him to the field of education. Assisting the success of others and mitigating some more detrimental errors that arise has always been a driving passion of his. This passion to assisting in the learning experience transferred to his other passion as well which is where Apartment Gardeners began its journey.


The goal is to bring indoor gardens to every possible location with as much ease and success as possible. Gardening in an urban setting not only improves air quality it improves quality of life. We wish to spread the joy and happyness that is derived from apartment gardening. As such, we will provide all nessasary information and supplies for indoor gardening in an easy to navagate platform.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and we will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

The Apartment Growers


Atlas Tupper

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